RIAS Launch #createbuildprotect Campaign

Today we are launching a digital campaign, aiming to inspire as wide a conversation as possible about Scotland’s architecture and built environment.
The climate emergency and global pandemic have both highlighted just how important design is for people, homes, buildings and places. We believe there is an opportunity now to encourage greater discussion and collaboration, to ensure not only that Scotland meets its net zero carbon targets, but that we design buildings and places that put the health and wellbeing of people first.
This campaign will feature a series of five videos, distributed across RIAS social media channels:
  • Week One focuses on “Scotland: Where the built environment benefits people and the planet, highlighting how our 5,000 members are already working to repurpose existing buildings, and setting out our recommendations for government on how we can help Scotland to build once for the future.
  • Week Two will look at “Scotland: Where architecture is valued and supported”, sharing our recommendation that Scotland creates a procurement system that recognises and prioritises quality to delivery improved outcomes.
  • Week Three will highlight how Scotland can “lead the way on Circular Economy”, by creating robust targets for the re-use of construction materials, and by building the construction industry into the Circular Economy Bill.
  • In Week Four, the campaign will focus on “Scotland: Where we care for what we have”, highlighting opportunities to incentivise refurbishment, repair and maintenance of the existing built environment, through a “fabric first” approach which reduces energy demand in our home and buildings and tackles fuel poverty.
  • Finally, in Week Five, the campaign will look at “Scotland: Where people and place matter”, recommending the creation of collaborative structures to promote and deliver local resourcing and stewardship.
RIAS President Christina Grainger has prepared an introductory video, issued today on RIAS social media channels. We would welcome our members sharing this and subsequent campaign material with their own networks, to help encourage as wide a discussion as possible. Find RIAS on social media via the links below or by searching @RIASMembership.
We would also encourage use of the campaign hashtag #createbuildprotect when sharing any materials.